

On the basis of philosofies DIY (do it yourself) and DIWO (do it with others), it is a group that meets people who want to resolve, change, hack and make things.

On the basis of philosofies DIY (do it yourself) and DIWO (do it with others), it is a group that meets people who want to resolve, change, hack and make things. It is a stable grup, and its objective is to fiddle with, dismantle, find, experiment and share the knowledge about every object that has a relationship with digital manufacturing. The participants of the group share the passion of doing and learning things, and they are people with huge knowledge and experience, and nowadays they are defined as makers.

In general, the group manages multiple projects at the same time (printers, machines to recycle plastic, hothouses, catamarans, open aeromodelism, etc.)

Group's project